Last updated on 22/11/2024
Trevor Locke is currently doing the FAIR course provided by Social Enterprise in the East Midlands (SEEM). This new learning programme is provided for those who are giving support to the Third Sector. It focuses on advice about social enterprise, helping community groups to make the best use of their assets or to help them work with the public sector. Course participants are drawn from Third Sector infrastructure support organisations. It covers how to set up a social enterprise and get it funded. Requests for such support come from community grouops, voluntary organisations or charities wanting to set up a trading arm.
Participants are learning the underpinning knowledge and understanding needed to carry into the SFEDI assessment process. SFEDI is the Government recognised UK Standards Setting Body for Business Support and Business Enterprise. Run by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, SFEDI researches leading practice, sets standards, principles and guidelines.
Trevor hopes that he will gain accreditation that will enhance his ability to deliver business advice in the social enterprise sector.
[Downloaded to archieve 2017]