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Recession boosts on-line sales

Recent newsletters are suggesting that now is a good time to get into or to expand on-line selling.

During the continuing recession, consumers are looking at how to manage their spending, to get more for their squeezed purses and wallets.

This  has brought about a trend towards on-line shopping, away from high street retail outlets.

The evidence points to a growth in demand for those Internet shopping outlets that offer better prices than even the supermarkets and high street chain stores.

Manufacturers with on-line outlets are therefore seeing the advantage of selling over the ‘Net to secure more sales and high levels of profit. The recession is precisely the time when retailers need to invest in their on-line stores.

With the increased price of fuel for domestic vehicles, shoppers are seeing the advantage of staying at home to purchase those things which they do not need to get into their cars to go out and buy.

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