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Poem about Winter

Last updated on 18/09/2023

7th October 2022

Yesterday was National Poetry Day in the UK. Each year I write a poem in celebration of the UK’s National Poetry Day. Here is what I did for this year:

Winter, 2022

The rain beats down
and the clouds are low,
black and grey.
The wind presses hard
against robust walls.
Gusts sift weaker twigs from
strong branches,
sending sea-like waves
across the long grasses.
Among the short grass,
puddles lay in brown lacunae.

Deep in the the copse,
creatures hide in dark holes, asleep.
Reapers and gleaners have stored
nuts for the leaner months,
waiting for spring to
come back to the world
(it is always spring somewhere).

Rain drips constantly
from leaves shaken to despair,
clinging in shivering solitude
above the rotting carpet below.
Each day the cooling sap
cools a degree more
and the sky is
nearing us, all the time.

Winter hugs the world,
just as it grips my soul.
My mind shivers in its desolate embrace,
my heart slows down,
my soul is chilled.
I yearn for the passionate kiss
of a summer’s day.

Trevor Locke.

See the poem I wrote for 2021.

Published inLiteraturePoetry