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Author: Trevor


Does the Novel Have a Future? Tuesday 19th April 2022. Introduction Another question on Quora (an online forum.) Another of my answers. Having seen a question about the future of…

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Local Music

Promoting Local Music Events 22nd October 2021 by Carol Leeming and Trevor Locke Today, 22nd September 2021, Carol Leeming posted a comment on her Facebook feed: ‘Now I am really…

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A poem for National Poetry day, 2021 Long ago, when I was just a boy,my life was organised and planned,ambitions set with heart so full of joy,my ship set sail,…

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Poetry 2020

Here I publish a selection of the poems I wrote in 2020. Zhivago song, 2020 The Ural’s icy blastsswept leaves along the streetslike souls of dead peasants brown and dry.Green…

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